



  • Every Tue and Thurs 7.45 to 9am WANOWRIE
  • Every Monday and Friday 6.15 to 7.30am MAGARPATTA
  • Every Monday and Thursday 7.15 to 8.30am KOREGAON PARK

This course is designed for Intermediate Iyengar Yoga students. The syllabus covers a thorough list of Yogasanas designed for intermediate practice based on the Shriyog seasons calendar spread over 12 months.

Intermediate classes at Shriyog mainly focus on deeper alignment of the body, flexibility and strength with introduction to philosophy and ayurveda concepts. You will also be using Iyengar Yoga props which will be helpful in taking your practice and experience deeper.

Every month, Pranayama classes will also be conducted specifically designed for intermediate students

* This course serves as classes in Iyengar Yoga practice for students and is expressly not intended to be construed as a teacher training program.

*The rights of admission are reserved with the Shriyog management.

* An email with confirmation and general Do’s & Don’ts will be sent upon completing your registration  

Yoga Props for classes are provided free of charge for use at the institute.  
SKU: health-yoga-winter-summer-2022-1 Category: