What should women focus on during their asana practice for optimum benefits?
Focus on the Baseline. What is the baseline is the obvious question? We need to take baby steps to understand this concept.
The two buttock bones should be in line with each other, so the hips are square. This is the baseline. Once this is achieved, draw an imaginary line between the two buttock bones and the two pubic bone corners and let this line join at the navel. This is “your inner triangle” which should always be lifted up in all the asanas.
The abdominal region is vital for women’s health at any age. The abdomen sags with age and the muscles at the abdomen weaken. Shrinking this area is the natural reaction of the body. We need to go against this tendency. Women must keep the abdomen soft and lift it during asana practice. Parsvottanasana and Baddhakonasana help us with it. If these muscles are hardened, it might damage the excretory and digestive system. Our entire energy and state of mind is dependent on this abdominal region between the top of pubic bone corners and the navel. Lengthening and expanding this region is critical. Also staying connected to the baseline improves the health of the side trunk, the most beautiful part of a woman’s body.
Asanas done without this awareness can have devastating impacts on the body and mind. Alignment is the key here. Again, taking baby steps towards alignment of the whole body helps. First, let’s focus on the alignment of “your inner triangle”. This small step will increase your energy, benefit the organic body and help you connect to yourself. It is an anti-ageing formula for women.
Yoga done without alignment in the mid 20’s can mangle your menstruation cycles. After 50 the body anyways doesn’t want to listen to you as it changes everyday. So we have to be a strict parent to our body and discipline it by churning out the alignment from within. This alignment helps you to sustain your practise for a long term and gives you the ojas, balance and alertness.
– By Rajeshree