Is Sirsasana important for being Yogi’s?
Our ancestors were the real yogis as they worked hard to provide us this opportunity today to attain our desires with the vast resources available to us. Prashantji always said, if you love to hang on a rope in a Sirsasana you would come back in the next life as a bat not a Yogi. Overdoing it is not yog.
Sirsasana is definitely a very powerful asana. If we go into this pose and desire for anything, our desires will come true. But these desires are a trap into the cycle of Karma. Every inappropriate karma is the baggage we carry into the next life. Ravana, a great Yogi, is a symbol of a person whose desires are never satisfied. He always wanted more from his senses and his body.
And this body is a product of this life. Asanas are meant to understand what you can fill into this body other than desires. Your Sirsasana will not be the same every time. Instead of getting upset about it, embrace the new experience. So the frame of mind is more important than the asana itself.
Guruji could do a Natarajasana in his late 80s not because of his will power or the conducive situation around him, but It was the power of his mind and intelligence that made him the man he was.
A shift in the brain wave is necessary before you commence your class and when you handle your body during asana practise to understand the importance and your reason behind doing a Sirsasana.
Personalize your Sirsasana –
Our Sirsasana should be personalised, penetrative and deeper to an extent that the practise detaches ourselves from our own existence for a while – momentary detachment. Actually we cannot think of ourselves beyond our mental strength and willpower. But detaching ourselves is possible in asana practise. It is not at all abstract as we use the physical body to go towards detachment. Asanas are concrete and powerful and can take us towards abstract and nothingness -Shunya. The depth of your practise then remains only with you. Asansas can take you within, where there is a whole new world.
You cannot show it off or prove it to anybody. So the practise becomes abstract and the impression of it is left in our subtle body which we then carry forward.
Sirsasana another asanas –
The level of difficulty and the technical knowledge of Sirsasana might seem paramount. But the same technicality is required to do even a trikonasana. All the asanas need similar depth in understanding the technical aspect. It takes time to practise and evolve with intelligence in any asana. Sirsasana seems more difficult because we’re not used to standing on our heads.
– By Rajeshree