Yamas & Niyamas: The ethical foundation of yoga
In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali introduces the Yamas and Niyamas as foundational principles of Yama & Niyama, describing them as the bedrock of ethical and moral conduct. These principles are essential for pursuing the path of Yoga, as they help to cultivate a sound and balanced body and mind, which are crucial for any meditative practice.
Patanjali refers to the Yamas (non-violence, truth, non-stealing, moderation, non-possessiveness) in Sutra 2.31 as great, mighty, universal vows that are unconditioned by place, time, or class. Sutra 2.32 lists the Niyamas as cleanliness, contentment, religious zeal, self-study, and surrender to God, which are necessary for the Sadhaka to build up his character and prevent the downfall.
Yamas & Niyamas help us control our external behavior, purge the mind of any distortion already hidden within, and avoid polluting and distorting the mind.
In fact, any endeavor in life should begin with these principles. This is how Yoga is intrinsically connected to society. The Yamas and Niyamas provide guidelines for personal and social conduct that sustain a harmonious society. Sage Patanjali included these principles in the Ashtanga system to ensure that both the self and society grow together towards the goal of Yoga.
Shri Namaskar
-By Seema