What should be the role of a teacher in the fat loss class?
When one must lose fat, it is difficult to stay motivated all the time. Hence sometimes dependence on the teacher is helpful. But if we need the same face to keep us motivated all the time it is a tell-tale sign that we are going to fail in our goal sooner than later if the teacher becomes suddenly unavailable.
At Shriyog, we like to make the student independent for life. The truth about weight and fat is that it depends more on the food we eat, our sleep and the state of our mind. Hence our fat loss classes have a healthy dosage of talks on diet, sleep and how to maintain a peaceful state of mind. We urge students to attend the pranayama sessions to maintain good energy levels and a positive state of mind.
Today Kapalbhati pranayama is opted as a quick fix to lose weight. When the body is not ready for this advanced pranayama, pushing the body into it can lead to gut, excretory and pelvic problems. One should also question the role of a teacher in cases like these. Teaching Yoga today is more of a profession and has become widely competitive. In the current “Yoga market” and fitness industry what sells is a quick fix and shortcut to good health. This is not only a fad but also unhealthy and an unadvisable way forward for long term good health.
Taking relaxants to sleep, dietitians to plan food and good-looking instructors to plan the exercise is the norm of the day. We need mirrors when we workout, good clothes, and protein shakes. In all this effort of weight loss we completely lose out on the most important thing which is taking charge of our own body energy and life energy – that is the breath and the mind.
Every individual who tags themselves as a Yoga teacher has a job here to connect the student holistically. It is a responsibility to deliver only safe and effective practices to reap long term benefits of good health.
Shri Namaskar
-By Team Shriyog